Friday, 5 May 2017

Analysis of Cultural Practices in The Purple Violet of Oshaantu by: Andreas Neshani


The purple Violet of Oshaantu looks concentrates on the way women were treated during those days when the author wrote about the book. During that time women were treated without all the respect comparing to these days. With reference to page 91 of the play, we also note that people preferred to eat their traditional food even the top officials during that time. We see the government officials going to buy their food at the market from the meme’s. During the period when the novel was published we can see that men did not have respect over women and women were treated so badly.

Brief summary of the book.

Set in a village in the Northern Part of Namibia is the book written by Andreas Neshani “Purple of Violet of Oshaantu”. In the novel the author focuses on gender roles in society as depicted in the picture. During the period when the novel was published we can see that men did not have respect over women and women were treated so badly. Even though Kauna got ,married when she was young still she suffered enough in the hands of her husband Shange who kept on abusing her young wife mee Kauna. Meme Maita referred to men as dogs when she was giving a lecture to Kauna. The book clearly illustrates that women were not happy with the way they were treated in the book. This is revealed by Mee Ali, mee Kauna and mee Maita. Kauna had to suffer after the death of her husband since she was accused of being the one who had the hand in Shange’s death since Shange last ate the food that was prepared by his wife Kauna.


Gender role in the use of language by male when addressing women

Ø  This book talks about men using their masculine gender role.

Ø  Words used to depict gender insensitivity, including the use of Namlish.

Me Kauna was accused by almost everyone in the village for murdering her husband. This shows that women were not treated fairly during this time when the book was written. The author points to us how badly women were treated in the society and in the hands of their husbands, for example the whole village knew how Shange used to beat his wife but nothing was done about it.

* How men use their power to treat women. Masculinity as a concept was used in order to magnify the construction of the male identity as it has a lot of bearing on the character of men. The male figures identities are a product of a social construct which differs from community to community, and are constantly subject to change. As portrayed by Andreas, some men are good and some exploit the macho dividend of power and hold on to the characteristics of hegemonic masculinity.

What does the norm say about position of men in society?

Gender portrayal in the traditional Namibian society.

Cultural barrier regarding men

* Men cannot carry the wife’s handbag “kutulwamo”- perceived as being demeaning to the male gender.

* Shange is a chef at work but when he is at home he forces his wife to cook for him.

When his wife came across Shange’s old picture when he was working at the mine as a chef, he was angry and furious for his wife to know that he was cooking for other men. The reason why he was furious like that was because at home he wanted to put himself up that ‘I am the father and the head of the house and cooking its ladies work.”


After conducting two interviews with Meme Embula and Tate Onesmus Ndangi Namundjebo from Okongo Village, I found several interesting themes which illustrate gender roles.

Mrs Ndapewa Embula:

Mrs Embula is in her mid-50s. From the interview I had with her it clearly corresponds with the play The Purple Violet of Oshaantu. She did not mind opening up to me the bad way she was being treated by her in-laws especially. She also said that she got married at an early age and did not have the opportunity to go further with her studies since it was regarded as not really important for girls to go further with school but instead to get married. Though she was in an abusive marriage whereby her husband used to run after young girls whilst she was busy nursing their kids at home no one could understand her dilemma and she was suffering from inside. It was only then when her father took her back when she was beaten to death by her husband in the hands of her in-laws and now she still has those scars from that time. She said if only she could turn back time maybe she should have not being married by that man and it is the lesson she is always telling her children to follow their hearts when it comes to marriage. Finally she pointed out that there is nothing good in life like Education.

Mr Onesmus Ndangi Namundjebo:

Mr Namundjebo’s tale also matches the one in the play though he ran away from the point of him abusing his wife of 33 years. He stated that it was not something new to hear of a man having a lot of wives or abusing his wife since such stories was happening almost every day. He pointed out that he was against that issue but little was he able to do otherwise he was going to be mocked at by his fellow men.


As a result The Purple Violet of Oshaantu written by a Namibia Andreas Neshani illustrates the Namibian society during the period it was written. In my opinion, this was abuse which should not be tolerated especially with thie new generation.


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